Bohringer B-150s Concrete Batch Plant

Southeast USA

No longer available


Bohringer B-150s Concrete Batch Plant:

The 6th generation B-150s concrete batch plant is designed and built to Böhringer’s exacting standards, delivering first in class mobility, ease of set up and performance – with achievable batching times of 2-3 minutes per cycle*. This high-performance workhorse, offers a condensed footprint, meant to be fed by afront- end loader, without the need for extensive staging or concrete foundations. Quick setup times ensure that your B-150s gets straight to work with no hassle. * theoretically 150 cubic yards per hr.*

  • Mobility: Two/three-piece transport -- Crane(s) required. On board split dual silos and Main Conveyor.
  • Fast Set-up: Simple sophistication makes the B150s the industry leader for ease of operation with excess powder storage.
  • 2 On Board Silos: Each silo is on independent load cells, offers flexibility for 2 powders or batch from one silo while filling the other
  • Clam Gates: Ensures prompt and accurate discharge of aggregates
  • Augers: Clean discharge of materials, minimizing unwanted dust
  • Böhringer On Board Automation: Option of Factory installed Automation batching system. User friendly produces consistent high- speed quality batches.
  • On Board Compressor: For efficient operation of all functions without increasing your footprint
  • 3” Turbo Water Meter: Fast and accurate discharge of water reduces batching time and saves you money
  • Air Compressor System: External compressor is not required to run auxiliary equipment or tools. Capacity 60 gallon with air dryer, 10HP motor, pneumatic lines for cement/powder aeration
  • Finger Guards and Ladder Cages: MSHA and OSHA compliant safety guarding – protecting your personnel and maximizing job site safety.
  • Chassis: Skid Frame.
  • Gauge / Controls: Establish settings, monitor cement fluidizers, dust collectors, water valves and main air supply with peri meter safety stop, five scale readout, manual sand/rock/cement/water controls
  • Dust Collectors w/ 3 Foot Square Personnel Hatch: Top mounted on silos, cement dust suppression filter, automatic pulsating air, flip over mounting bracket. Allows for easy access to the silos for inspection and maintenance


ModelB-150s Concrete Batch Plant
Stock Number00384
Cement Silos2 @ 37 Ton Capacity each
Control PanelNEMA 4 rated enclosure w/manual control, wired for 480V 3 Phase
Main Conveyor26-inch Chevron
Main Conveyor Drive10 HP
Cement Augers2 @ 10"
Cement Auger Drives2 @ 20HP
Water Pump3"
Water Meter3"
Dust CollectionYes
Number of AxlesNo Axles -- Skid Frame
Air Compressor80 GAL, 10HP System
Production150 cu.yd/Hour **theoretical**
Plant Length56'-5" (17,286m)
Plant Width8'-6" (2,621m)
Transport Height13'-6" (4,145m)