$28,500 (USD)

16" Dual Cavity Self-Stressing Precast Concrete Pile Form Set

Southern, USA

orCall (770) 696-1757


16" Self-Stressing Precast Concrete Pile Form Set:

  • Bed Feet: 240
  • Stressing Ends: 2 Each @ 40'-0"
  • Middle Sections: 4 Each @ 40'-0"
  • Manufacturer: Unknown but possibly Plant City


  1. Seller is not sure of the manufacturer.
  2. No drawings.
  3. Forms were last used in 2020 making 16" Piles with 12 - 0.5" Strands @ 372 kips per lane.


Model16" Dual Cavity Self-Stressing Precast Pile Form
Stock Number00439